Every communications solution starts with a problem.
what's yours?
Culture Shift & Stuff
"We screwed up"
When Telecom’s XT mobile network failed in a very public fashion; a mea-culpa was in order, so they called Chameleon Partners. We helped them with communications to manage the crisis internally, and when the network was fixed, we suggested that the best way to get back on side with customers was not just
to say sorry - a bit of self deprecating humour wouldn’t hurt either. The result was a campaign that saw Telecom widely praised for its swift response and brave initiative.
The editor of NZ Today magazine, Allan Dick had this
say about the apology:
"This is a nicely judged, New Zealand heartland commercial and the Paul Reynolds “bugger”
ad is as pure New Zealand as the Toyota ads and
Barry Crump."
Don’t know about that Allan, but cheers, everyone was certainly pretty chuffed.
Clients: Telecom New Zealand. Paul Reynolds, CEO. Tina Symmans, Corporate Relations Director.
"We want to reach the hard to reach"
When telecommunications infrastructure
company Chorus were ready to launch their ultra-fast broadband service, they asked Chameleon Partners for help in targeting the early adopters. We chose to
engage the vibrant local creative community to help demonstrate how ultra-fast broadband will
help put a country like New Zealand on the world
stage. The result was a digital art exhibition held in
New York, which was the largest display of content
in Times Square history.
“It blows the norms out of the water for
being distinctive”
Colmar & Brunton
Clients: Chorus New Zealand. Mark Ratcliffe, CEO. Victoria Crone, GM Sales & Marketing
"We have to shore up stakeholder support"
When Team New Zealand lost the Americas Cup in 2003, they needed to show their supporters and sponsors the very essence of what it means to be onboard Team New Zealand: generous in victory and gracious in defeat. Filmed the morning after the Alinghi victory and put to
air hours later, Team New Zealand reminded us that whatever the stakes, win, lose or draw; you shake your opponents hand and say ‘good game, well played.’ Swiss television screened the commercial to demonstrate the graciousness of the New Zealand team.
Client: Team New Zealand. Tony Thomas, Commercial Manager
"We want to start a conversation"
While ultra-fast broadband has the power to transform New Zealand both socially and economically, getting a conversation started in middle New Zealand was somewhat difficult. Again, Chorus turned to Chameleon
Partners. Our solution was Gigatown - a year long competition amongst New Zealand towns who would compete via social media to have their town fired up with the fastest internet in the Southern hemisphere.
Clients: Chorus New Zealand. Mark Ratcliffe, CEO. Victoria Crone, GM Sales & Marketing
"We need to make our mark on the world"
It was a global crowd-funding project 3 years before anyone had ever heard about kickstarter. 10,517 tee shirts - the distance in km’s between NZ and Santa Monica - were made to fund the building of a giant
silver fern the size of Eden Park on Santa Monica
Beach. The fern, built on Waitangi Day 2006, was built
to promote the characteristics that define New Zealand made products and ideas.
“They don’t like us very much. What can we do?”
Putting a human face on a corporation is one of our specialist subjects. Our theory is that you can hate the company; but its very hard to hate the receptionist, especially when you know her by name.
We’ve always believed that not only are your staff
your greatest assets, they also make brilliant talent. Here’s an example we prepared earlier from a campaign to introduce Chorus to New Zealand.
"we need bums on seats"
This was the problem that faced the organisers of our America’s Cup defence. 'An elitist rich white man’s sport', was how middle NZ viewed the event. Our job was to reassure NZ that not only would Auckland - as hosts -
step up to the plate; but that the event would be a brilliant spectacle for the entire country to watch. The Cup Village was New Zealand’s largest tourist attraction with over 3 million visitors in 6 months.
Client: America’s Cup Village Ltd. Sue Foley, Head of Corporate Affairs
"Chameleon? Never heard of you"
That's because it's all about you, not us. Flying under
the radar is how we like it. Anyway as Mum used to
say - "No one likes anyone that talks about themselves too much"
Life's too short.
But if you’re reading this, then you’re obviously a
little curious. If we had a long suite - it’s Culture shift.
We’ve developed strategies and executed
campaigns that have dramatically shifted the way people feel about organisations large and small, like those above. We work with people who can say 'yes'.
We create content to help organisations define
who they are.
We’re a bunch of thinkers and doers here at
Chameleon. We’re either a communications agency that makes what it creates - or a production company that thinks; depending on what we’ve got on at the time.
We’ve been called an ad agency, content makers, experiential producers and a quite few things
As a girl Nic used to go out with once said: ‘You can
call me anything you like, as long as you don’t call me late for breakfast.'
Labels aren’t important in our neck of the woods.
In fact there's quite a few things we do differently, which means Chameleon isn't for everyone.
So there you have it. What we do and how we do it.
Culture Shift & Stuff.
Stuff that turns into solutions. Solutions that solve problems. Problems we all face.
If you think you might like the cut of our jib:
Don't be shy. Get in touch. Throw us a problem to solve.
About Nic by Simon
If you were arrested, and stuck in a Portuguese jail,
and couldn’t speak the language and never had a need for a lawyer, because in your entire life you never had anything worse than a parking ticket, but you were allowed one phone call - and that one call could get
you out of the shit, the call you make is to Nic. He’s
that sort of guy.
At Chameleon when Nic is not being a fixer he's doing the business.
Actually, better txt, he very rarely answers his phone.
Nic Craig
Managing Partner
+64 21 812 512
About Simon by Nic
The quintessential 'Creative Machine' and 'Master of the 'Big Idea'. Simon's ability to cut through the inconsequential 'noise' and hone directly in on a client's 'core needs' is impressive in and of itself. To then craft and create such unique and elagant solutions; ultimately delivered through inspired and truly memorable executions, is something that continues to be a constant source of amazement to me.
He also likes brunettes, long walks on the beach and drives like your grandfather on valium.
Simon Shattky
Creative Partner
+64 21 830 295
Chameleon Partners, 3/ 55 Mackelvie Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, 1021